Monday 7 November 2016


Vladimir Propp 

Character roles: 
The hero - seeks something
The villain - opposes the hero 
The donor - helps the hero 
The dispatcher - sends the hero on his way 
The false hero - falsely assuming the role of hero 
The helper - gives support to the hero 
The princess - the reward for the hero, but also needs protection from the villain 
Her father 

Example of Propp:

The hero - Shrek as he saves Princess Fiona and wins her love
The villain - Lord Farquaad as he wants Fiona to himself 
The donor -  The donor is not a particular person but a magical dragon who helps stops the wedding of Lord Farquaad and Fiona when Shrek realises he loves her, and finds out that she is an ogre too.
The dispatcher - Lord Farquaad is the Dispatcher as he is the one who sends Shrek to go and rescue Princess Fiona.
The false hero - The False hero is Lord Farquaad because he earned the princess even though he had to get Shrek to complete the mission to save her from the castle,  however Shrek and Fiona end up in love.
The helper - Donkey is the helper in Shrek as he provides Shrek someone to talk to as well as moral support throughout the film. 
The princess - Fiona 
Her father - king Harold 

Claude Levi-Strauss 
Binary oppositions 
              - symbolic oppositions 
e.g. Hero vs. Villain 

Tzvetan Todorov 
Simple narrative structure. 
Start with equilibrium - in which life is normal then something happens to disrupts that then there is a new equilibrium 

Roland Barthes

codes - denotation and connotation to analyse images 
Action - a narrative device by which a resolution is produced through action e.g. shoot out 
Enigma - a narrative device that teases the audience by presenting a puzzle or riddle to be solves. Works to delay the story's ending pleasurably. 
Symbolic - (connotation) - secret hidden meaning 
Semic - (denotation) - what is literally happening
Cultural - a narrative device  which the audience can recognise as being part of a culture e.g. a 'made man' in a gangster film is part of the mafia culture. 

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