Sunday 2 October 2016

Trailer 2 analysis

Trailer 2
The purge:
At the beginning of this trailer we see a sunset, which usually implies happiness and new beginnings, which is then followed by a family holding hands with calming music in the background, so we see no connotations of it being a thriller making it misleading, which could be a theme within the film. Again the trailer has fading transitions, which adds to the calming affect with the writing “unemployment at 1%”, which could be a suggestion about the target audience, being an older age group.  
We then see a zoom in of a woman’s face who is smiling, which emphasises the happiness of the scene followed by two teenagers kissing with the caption “crime is at an all time low”. This could also be a hint about who the target audience is; also teenagers are often associated with crime which could be a slight stereotype within the trailer.
After we get a glimpse at why society is doing so well as it says “But once a year”. This also makes the viewer want to carry on watching as it leaves questions in their head.
Once we start to see the night time approach the scenes begin to speed up, making us the audience forget about the happy scenes we have just witnessed. We also see what is going on through an unusual way of viewing things, which is through a CCTV camera; this suggests crime is big part of the film. This also shows a technical change as the lighting has changed to low key lighting.
We also see props within these scenes, one being the sharpening of a machete, which implicates death. Therefore what we saw at the beginning was almost a cover up.
Half way through the trailer it then tells us what the story line is about by saying “all crime is legal”. Although it gives away part of the storyline we are still not certain to what happens in the film.
We see a massive contrast from the beginning of the trailer compared to end due to change of music as it starts of calm and becomes rapid and unsettling. We also see change due to the emotions of the characters shown, as the main protagonist (the woman) is seen smiling and with her friends to begin with but is shortly seen scared and screaming. This shows how the relationships between the protagonists begin to change and so do their facial expressions.
Usually within thrillers if you have wealth you are powerful, but this film contrasts to this as although the family we are shown lives in a big house and has good security they at just at as much risk as any other people therefore making them vulnerable.
Nearer the end we witness more violence as the protagonists and antagonists are introduced. During this scene we see a mixture of high and low key lighting due to the battle between the two.

The antagonists are introduced wearing masks and the men are wearing black and the women white this shows how the purge is bad but also removes evil from the town. 

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